VAMP Productions was founded in 2005 by the husband-and-wife team of Kevin Sean Michaels and Theodora Michaels. Combining Kevin's artistic talents and Theodora's business experience, VAMP produces unique independent films that reveal their subjects' fascinating life stories. VAMP is based in New York, but we are often found in Hollywood.

Featuring renowned celebrities, high production values and original music, VAMP has achieved a lot on a shoestring budget.

Vampira: The Movie DVD cover

Vampira: The Movie

VAMP's first film, Vampira: The Movie, is a documentary feature film about the world's first horror hostess Maila Nurmi, better known as Vampira. The film contains exclusive footage of the notoriously reclusive actress, and interviews with numerous celebrities who worked with and/or were inspired by her. Vampira: The Movie won the Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for Best Independent Film of 2007 and has been shown at film festivals and conventions throughout the United States.

The Wild World of Ted V. Mikels DVD cover

The Wild World of Ted V. Mikels

In The Wild World of Ted V. Mikels, grindhouse movie maverick Ted V. Mikels discusses his long career wowing audiences with his own special brand of guts, gore, violence, and dark humor. The film is narrated by legendary director John Waters. "Ted V. Mikels puts the 'exploit' in exploitation films," said Waters. "He's pretty amazing."

Ingrid Pitt: Beyond the Forest DVD cover

Ingrid Pitt: Beyond the Forest

Memories from the Holocaust have been portrayed in almost every medium, but rarely animation -- and never before by a child animator. Animated short film Ingrid Pitt: Beyond the Forest is a cross-generational collaboration between a world-class animation master, two-time Academy Award-nominated Bill Plympton, and a first-time animator, 11-year-old artist Perry Chen. It is narrated by Ingrid Pitt herself. The short illustrates the miraculous escape of Ingrid Pitt from a concentration camp at age eight during World War II. In 2012, Ingrid Pitt: Beyond the Forest won three awards: the award for Best Animation (age 8-13) at the International Family Film Fest (IFFF), the Special Jury Award in the short subject division at the WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, and the Special Jury Award for Extraordinary Vision at Flyway Film Festival.